E1居然略过了片头E2 PC带刺猬宝宝这段忙碌的场景做的太棒了E4 躲藏戏下的叙旧 E6 Bojack诠释“我治愈我自己”终于回家了E7 喜欢Judea开心的人当上抑郁症代言人这事儿挺让人抑郁的跟着Bojack走到各处仿佛也经历了一趟自愈之旅E8 预测后半季又是伤口上撒盐的戏码 E10 对Diane这段很有共鸣如果不能写出来经历过的伤痛就只是伤痛而不是有益的伤痛E11 “我爱了你二十五年我从没这样爱过别人”E14 终于等到PC的好归宿从升到落的人生Bojack走到这步算是体验了百态E16 有始有终的句点郭芙扮演者每个人都有了自己的生活遗憾的是片尾不是Back in the 90's.
5.5Two drummers are seated near the back edge of a small wooden stage behind three warriors in full costumes. As the musicians play and chant, the three men dance, always moving their feet, in a counterclockwise circle.They often look at the camera, seeming to seek the spotlight.